Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Useful Websites for the Classroom 
This website is an excellent tool to use in the classroom.  The streaming section is something I will use.  It has so many videos on every subject that I would need.
What a fun website!!  This site will allow students to create their own  talking character.  I see myself using it at the beginning of the day to greet the students and get them started on their journals.  I would also have students use this site to create a Voki to do reports.
This is such a great website for those that have a Promethean Interactive Whiteboard.  The site has so many resources that can be used on the whiteboard and with the Expression Devices that really keep students engaged in a lesson.
I am so happy that another teacher introduced this site to the class. What a great way to keep behavior problems in the classroom to a minimum.  I will definitely use this website in the upcoming school year.
I feel so organized using the live binder website.  There were so many resources to use that now I have them all organized in one place.  It will save me so much time because I won't have to search the internet for resources I need.
I found this website pretty easy to use.  I would like to try to flip some lessons this upcoming year.  I created a math lesson(find it on my blog) that I plan to use this year for addition and subtraction.
This website allows me to make creative posters to present material in fun way.  I look forward to creating more glogs and I hope my students will find it entertaining.

Noun Glogster

Check out this math lesson!!

Addition Space Adventures

Flipped Math

Skip Counting

Flipped Math Lesson 2nd Grade

Addition Boomerang

Flipped Math Lesson 2nd Grade

Monday, June 4, 2012

LMS articles and websites have some interesting information that would be great to use to develop an online course.  I wish it could be used effectively at the lower elementary but I have no idea how that could be accomplished.
Common core....confusing or what???